
Employee Training

The training courses below are those intended for faculty, staff, and student employees.  Please check with your supervisor as to which courses are required for your position.

Primary ContactCourse TitlesCourse Description
Leah Gutknecht​
Compliance & Equity Management
Title IX TrainingIntroduction to federal Title IX requirements and UNI's policy relating to mandated reporting responsibilities.
Patti Rust
Registrar's Office
FERPA ​BasicsExamines obligations to ensure compliance with students' federal privacy rights.
Ken Connelly
IT - Information Security
Data SecurityReviews best practices for maintaining the security of UNI data.
Anne Bilder
University Counsel
Free SpeechRequired annually by state mandate for all UNI employees.
Leah GutknechtInclusive HiringExplores best practices, unconscious biases, and methods to ensure equitable hiring. This course is not the HR search committee training.
Leah GutknechtHarassment and Discrimination Prevention - SupervisorsReviews the role of a supervisor in preventing unlawful harassment and resolving employee conflicts.
Leah GutknechtHarassment and Discrimination Prevention - Staff and FacultyReviews the role of an employee in preventing unlawful harassment and reporting issues and incidents.
Melissa WardFMLA and ADA Supervisor ResponsibilitiesProvides supervisors with high-level information about how to identify a potential leave or accommodation request from an employee and their role in complying with the Family & Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.  
Lori SeawelMaking Electronic Materials AvailableAddresses accessibility of electronic materials for all users including legal considerations related to accessibility, how to make documents accessible, and resources and support options available.


Student Training

The training courses below are intended for students.

Primary ContactCourse TitlesCourse Description
Leah Gutknecht​
Compliance & Equity Management
Voices for Change: Consent Explores the types of gender violence and the importance of consent.
Leah Gutknecht​
Compliance & Equity Management
Voices for Change: Student AthletesRequired every two years for all student athletes.
Patti Rust
Registrar's Office
FERPA BasicsReviews students' federal privacy rights in regard to their educational records.
Ken Connelly
IT - Information Security
Data SecurityReviews best practices for maintaining the security of UNI data.
Anne Bilder
University Counsel
Free SpeechRequired annually by state mandate for all students. 


Optional Faculty, Staff and Student Training Resources

Online training at LinkedIn Learning

The LinkedIn Learning Online Training Library® is a constantly growing and evolving body of training video tutorials designed to help you learn what you want, when you want it. UNI students, faculty and staff have access to over 1,100 courses and 66,000 tutorials organized by subject, software, and instructor.  These course include topics on most office productivity tools, learning management tools, programming tools and much more!